Students discuss pros, cons of current learning situation

In March of 2020, it was announced that a deadly pandemic had taken the world by storm. Immediate restrictions and regulations were placed that disrupted our routine ways of life. COVID-19 altered many aspects of people’s lives, one of them being education. Schools have been faced with tough decisions in regards to keeping students safe, as well as giving them the best possible education they can offer. 

Many school districts have different perspectives on how students should go back.

Student’s opinions vary on the topic of hybrid learning.

Kayla Bay, senior, said, “I’m definitely ready to get back to school to communicate with my teachers and classmates in person. It will be way easier to ask questions, and get the help I need.”

The lack of social connection has been difficult for students in the remote setting. 

Students, like Mckenna Maskel, share a similar opinion on going back to school.

Maskel, senior, said, “It’ll be fun to see people at school again and still be able to stay home some days to stay safe.”

Hybrid learning is giving students some of both worlds: in school learning and staying safe.

However, some students do have a few concerns about the new transition, such as the length of each class period. 

Bay said, “My only concern is that we won’t get enough time and help we need if it is needed. Especially with such a short amount of time in each class.”

Kyle Bebej, senior, said, “I’m a little worried, I don’t want to get COVID-19. However, I trust the staff of MCHS to keep us safe.”

Despite concerns regarding the virus, students have trust in the protocols enforced by MCHS.

Student’s have expressed excitement about the opportunity to go back to school, regardless of the limited time and restrictions.

“I like going to school and getting an education in person rather than over a Google Meets call,” said Maskel. 

“I would like to be in school, because I miss seeing my friends everyday,” says Bebej.

The time students have spent in isolation has made them grateful for every chance of safe, human interaction.