Teachers discuss feelings on remote learning

Student desks are empty at Central Campus as students have been learning remotely since the beginning of the school year.

MCHS students have been completely remote for school since the beginning of the school year. 

Teachers had about a week to switch their teaching plans from the hybrid schedule that we were going to use, to going fully remote. So how did this impact the teachers of MCHS?

When asked if the announcement of full remote was surprising in anyway, biology teacher, Mr. Matthew Minich said, “I was shocked because I was coming in that week trying to get my classroom ready by spacing out desks and trying to plan out how to set everything up.”

Although other teachers weren’t as shocked as this. 

“I was not surprised. Most schools had already switched to a much safer remote model,” math teacher, Mr. Bryan Robinson, said. 

There was a mixture of emotions across everybody after they heard we were going completely remote for the beginning of the school year.

Minich said he was disappointed but understood why the decision was made.

Robinson said he was relieved.

Consumer Education teacher, Mr. Trevor Shields, said that he felt like he was going to lose personal connections he could potentially make with his students when they are in the classroom because we’re all behind computer screens. 

“The most stressful part of everything this year is the unknown,” Shields said. 

This means that teachers are having to make a plan and just stick to it because they can’t change it countless times with this new learning environment. 

Robinson said the most stressful part of this for him is finding new systems to teach for his students. Mininch had a similar answer to this. 

“I have not been this tired the first month of school ever,” Minich said. 

He compared this year to his first year of teaching in the stress category.