Sen18r mural unmasked
Seniors Caitlin Simons and Emma Minett were part of a team that created the 2018 Senior Mural. It was hung on a block wall — that it was designed to match — at Central Campus on Sept. 28.
Students stroll by them everyday, amazed at how a piece of work could look so stunning. They represent each graduating class at MCHS in one way, shape or form.
These are what are called the senior murals, paintings done by students at MCHS to perhaps give each of their respective classes something to be remembered by. What makes them unique is that these drawings can be of anything that a group of students decide to come up with. Although some are still in the hallways, others were recently taken down to clear up room for more senior classes.
“I have always wanted to help with the murals, just because they look so cool and interesting every year,” Quinn Oliva, senior, said.
Some murals have some really interesting designs, some that represent different styles, such as the newest 2018 one. The secret behind it is what exactly does the mural represent and what message it is sending.
“The main goal with the 2018 mural is to show the life that exists behind high school. Sometimes people try to find hidden messages but there aren’t really any, it’s just to show that there is still so much life ahead of you,” Ms. Dana Becker, art, said.
What better place to put them then along the hallway walls for everyone to gaze at. Kiri Baxter-Hawkins, Mahalia Masood, Emma Minett, Sara Muszanski, Brianna Sherwin, and Caitlin Simons are among the seniors who created the 2018 mural.
“The one right across the science hallway [2017] is really cool because it shows the a man with a backpack going around the world while starting here at MCHS,” Julian Fernandez, senior, said.
Vivid and rich in color, the man travels around to the various landmarks around the world. Like the 2018 mural, it shows that there is still much more exploring to do after MCHS, whatever one’s aspirations in life may be. Creators of the 2017 mural were Alexa Aspan, Natasha Bills, Ryan Hamilton, Krista Stawarz, and Heaven Toppel.
“Every senior group works really to try and make their work appreciated. We know that we’re not going to please everybody, but we sure try,” Becker said.
The construction of the murals is a collaborative process, in which students have to apply for. Students may not always agree with everything that’s going on when making these masterpieces, but it’s all worth it in the end.
“The 2018 group did a terrific job with their mural, there is no secret really it’s just students showing the theme of life after high school which is to continue to move on to what’s ahead,” Becker said.
The “secret” of the murals may be that there is not much of a secret at all. It’s students using their imaginations to the best of their abilities, and leaving MCHS with something to be remembered by.
This story appeared in Sept. 18, 2017 print edition of the Peace Pipe Chatter.