Traffic rules people tend to steer away from

The illustration shows what could happen if we don’t remember the simple
things of driving that we learned in driveris ed.

The illustration shows what could happen if we don’t remember the simple things of driving that we learned in driveris ed.

Once you’ve been on the road for a few years, it’s easy to forget the traffic laws that you committed to memory back in the days of driver’s education. There are a number of traffic laws that are often forgotten or broken everywhere. Here’s a quick refresher on those traffic laws that are oh-so-easy to forget.

Failing to use signals.

Believe it or not, an easy way to avoid accidents on the road is by using turn signals. A turn signal allows others to determine what they should be doing with their car.

“I don’t really care about people who don’t use turn signals for the most part, but sometimes I hate them for it because it forces me to stop quickly instead of being able to prepare for it,” Dominic Gambino, senior, said.

You should use a turn signal when turning into a parking lot, switching lanes on the highway, pulling out of a side street, and when making right or left hand turns.

Going too slow in the fast lane of the highway.

It goes without saying that it can be extremely aggravating and a true test of one’s nerves when you get caught behind a slow driver in the left lane.

According to, a website that describes the different types of drivers and how they affect traffic flow, they make up 10 to 20 percent of the drivers on the road.


Tailgaters endanger themselves and the driver in front of them. If anything sudden happens, there is a 95 percent chance they are going to ram into you.

“I think it is okay to tailgate people when they’re going under the speed limit but if you are already going over the speed limit, people shouldn’t tailgate because you should never be in that big of a hurry,” Sara Torres, senior, said.

People who pass you for no reason.

There’s a lot of people out there who will be rude or dangerous about passing you. In most cases they are gaining something, but in other cases they pass you for no reason at all. “I hate when people pass me for no reason on back roads because it’s pointless. People already go super fast so why do you need to go faster,” Desiree March, senior, said.

People who merge really slowly.

By the time you get to the highway, you are supposed to be going as fast as the people on the highway, so you can merge into traffic immediately and safely.

“Merging really slow onto the highway can cause bunching up on the on-ramp and it results in traffic as soon as you get on the highway. It also causes other cars to have to slam on their brakes or shove over to the far lane, slowing down the flow of traffic,” Keke Huggins, junior, said.

Most people believe they are good at driving, but they may not actually have a realistic perception of what kind of driver they are. It isn’t just about being good at driving, it is about having an obvious understanding of the rules of the road as well.